Emily warming up!!
Getting ready to take the Field in Championship Competition
Some great friends she met along the way,what a great experience, Band and Guard Kids are so unique, they are just the
"Cream of the Crop."
Emily and JessicaI have loved watching Jessie grow, I'm so proud of her!
Jessie just is a beam of light all the time, I have come to love her very much.
Emily has been a great influence as Captain, she owes a lot of her incredible leadership to her great friends too. They are very supportive of Emily and look up to her so much.
Emily and Lupe have been in Guard for 4 years!They went to Middle School together.
Lupe is an outstanding young woman, she is known on the team as the mediator,
always the Peace maker. She dances so beautifully too.
Emily doing her thing, warming up, it was freezing in Fresno, it makes it such fun though.