Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It has been such a fun season! We are so proud of you Emily, not just because you and the team took the Gold Medal but because of the beautiful young woman you have become. Dad and I have loved every single minute we have spent with you while you have performed with the Band and Color Guard. We can hardly wait for your next year, and...........ALL it holds.
All our Love,....Ma and Pops

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Emily and her team! I am so glad you guys got your blog going! Thanks for all of your comments on ours! John was happy to hear the comments about the pictures he took..... he is actually really interested in photography and takes really good pictures, but the problem is that we can't afford a nice camera right now, so when he gets a chance he does the best he can with our little point and shoot. One day he would really like to get a nice camera and really take pictures. Anyways, I loved seeing all your pictures of your family on here!
